NVC Training for Organizations

for “Power-with” leaders, teams and organizations

Unlock the Power of Empathy in Your Workplace


In today’s competitive business landscape, success isn’t just about numbers; it’s about people. At NVC Singapore, we believe that fostering empathetic leadership and communication is the cornerstone of a thriving organization. Our NVC training program for organization is designed to equip your team with the tools they need to cultivate a culture of empathy, understanding, and collaboration.

Why choose NVC training for organization?

1. Gain a Competitive Advantage

In a world where empathy is increasingly valued, companies that prioritize empathetic leadership enjoy a distinct competitive edge. According to recent studies, 86% of employees believe that empathetic leadership boosts morale, while 87% say empathy is essential for fostering an inclusive environment. Our training will empower your leaders to inspire positive change within the workplace, leading to increased efficiency, creativity, job satisfaction, and innovation.

2. Maximize Efficiency and Productivity

Empathy isn’t just a feel-good concept; it’s a powerful driver of productivity and performance. Research shows that mutual empathy between company leaders and employees leads to increased efficiency (88%), creativity (87%), and idea sharing (86%). By cultivating a culture of empathy, you can unlock your team’s full potential and achieve higher levels of productivity than ever before.

3. Enhance Customer Relationships and Conflict Resolution

Empathy isn’t limited to interactions within the organization; it also plays a crucial role in customer relationships and conflict resolution. Our NVC training equips your team with the skills to empathize with customers, understand their needs, and address any concerns or conflicts with compassion and effectiveness. By fostering empathetic communication both internally and externally, you can build stronger relationships with your customers and enhance your reputation as a customer-centric organization.

4. Reduce Turnover and Boost Retention

Employee turnover can be a significant drain on resources and morale. Fortunately, empathetic leadership has been shown to reduce turnover rates by fostering mutual respect between employees and leaders (87%) and creating a supportive work environment where employees feel valued and understood.

Microsoft achieved a significant improvement in its corporate culture and business performance by implementing organizational reforms based on NVC.

“When Satya Nadella became CEO of Microsoft in 2014, he inherited a company whose culture was known for hostility, infighting, and backstabbing among its top executives.


To turn the company around, he made the members of his senior leadership team read a book “Nonviolent Communication” by  Marshall B. Rosenberg. Nadella handed out copies at his first executive meeting. It was a sign Nadella planned to run Microsoft differently from his predecessor, Steve Ballmer.” – The New York Times .Steve Lohr Nov. 29, 2018

Satya Nadella on Empathy in Business

Microsoft C.E.O. Satya Nadella speaks to Willow Bay about how life’s toughest experiences make you a better innovator.

If you are curious how HUMANITY in the workplace looks like as a professional skill and ready to learn why and how it is the critical factor to more productivity, profitability and collaboration in organizations, we love to work with you!

Presentation, Lecture, Webinar

– Sample Content –

  • How Different the NVC Conversations are?
  • Four Parts of NVC
  • Four Skill Sets of Needs-based Communication

NVC Lecture at an International School in Singapore

Leadership Training

– Sample Outline –

  • Getting someone to do what you want … vs. inspiring action toward a desired outcome
  • Core Values: who we are and how we want to work together
  • Shared Purpose: why we’re together … and why it matters
  • Self-Organizing Group: autonomous people acting within an aligning force
  • The gentle and fierce role of a conscious leader

1 on 1, 2 on 1

– Sample Outline for Executive 1 on 1 –

  • What is “Power-with” Leadership
  • “Power-with” Leaders Create a Culture Where People Matter
  • Moving Beyond Rewards & Punishment
  • How am I Showing  Up as a Leader? – Needs Based Communication
  • Measuring “Power-with” Leadership and Organizational Culture 

The outlines listed here are just a few examples. We would be pleased to design a tailor-made training program according to your organization’s requests. Whether you are looking to enhance leadership skills, improve team dynamics, foster better customer relationships, or resolve conflicts more effectively, we are here to help you achieve your goals! Please contact us for a consultation.

Want to know what it’s like to work with Miki?

Mr. Johnny Wong
CEO (DFI Digital) at DFI Retail Group
Former CEO, Digital Business at NTUC Fairprice Co-operative Ltd.


It is my pleasure to recommend Miki for her NVC coaching skills. She coached me on NVC Essentials, covering all the basics of the NVC mindset and communication skills, and much more. I particularly enjoyed the practice of daily gratitude to very specifically recognize people to be grateful for, enjoy the feelings generated by such realizations, and see how I can contribute to my own happiness and joy. Miki very patiently coached me during our one-on-one sessions on 360 feedback, presentation skills, and the application of self-compassion skills, required to to self-heal and re-emerge stronger. I also appreciated that Miki has a broad set of experiences to draw from, has a straightforward communication approach, yet also very much lives up to the NVC principles of empathy and understanding in her discussions. Highly recommended!

Dr. Le Nhan Phuong
Executive Director of The Equity Initiative


I got interested in NVC when a friend suggested that I read the NVC book by Marshall Rosenberg. I found Miki and NVC Singapore when I searched online in May 2020 for a regional training program for our regional fellowship program based in Bangkok, Thailand. Because of the pandemic travel restrictions at the time, we were not able to schedule the workshop for my fellows as I had planned. I, instead, signed up for 16 x 90-min NVC Private Sessions with Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) with Miki. My goal at the time was to deepen my understanding of NVC and being able to utilize the NVC approach in my personal and professional lives. Because part of my work deals with helping my fellows to develop resilience skills and be the person they aspired to be, I wanted to see if NVC can be integrated into my coaching activities with my fellows.

Throughout my NVC learning journey, I found Miki to be a warm, empathic, kind, and authentic friend who easily guided me through my learnings. Miki allowed me to express myself freely and helped me to understand my “inner me” better. Miki effortlessly introduced new concepts to me and really made learning fun for me. I found myself enthusiastically looking forward to our bi-monthly sessions and zealously protecting my time with her – I truly felt that the sessions added tremendous value for my own personal growth. 

As my learning progressed, I also noticed that my coaching skills improved significantly. I was a lot more effective with helping my fellows to see the issues clearer and be more self-aware. The fellows will then use their newfound awareness and skills to help those in their communities and families. So in helping me to be a better person, Miki actually helped a lot more people in the process – people that she will never know their names but will still benefit from her wisdom and kindness.

I can say with complete confidence that I am a very different person (for the better) now then where I started a year ago before I met Miki.

Ms. Masni Shaifful
Principal/ Cambridge Preschool


I am the Principal of Cambridge Preschool. I have been working as a Preschool Principal for 8 years and have been in the ECCE industry for 10 over years.

I know Miki though her son who is currently studying in the center and they are one of the amazing people, to say the least. They are kind and openhearted, and anyone who comes into contact with them will walk away feeling a little better. Miki particularly just has that effect on people to feel loved and appreciated without even trying hard.

I have known Miki ever since her son, Ryder started studying in the school that I am in charge of. Since then, every time I reflect on our friendship and how we communicated, I truly thank my lucky stars that Miki’s family has crossed path with mine. She has done professional training for our entire teacher team at HQ and she possesses what it takes to spread non-violent communication. As an advocate in the growing industry of Early Childhood, Miki is one of the best persons I have worked with to spread, educate and empower other ECCE professional personnel this mode of communication.

I have no doubt that Miki does not need this letter to show what an incredible human being and teacher she is, but I wanted to write it anyway. I’m sure there are many testimonials just like this but I would like to share what kind of fabulous trainer and facilitator you’re dealing with here at NVC Singapore. I just cannot say enough about Miki as my trainer and as a friend!

I have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone who is interested to learn NVC, the powerful tool for teachers, counselors, and psychologist.

Together, we can transform the way people work. This is one step to changing our world.

Get started today!


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to see how we can best serve you.